Rambutan (Rambutan, Ngo, “hairy fruit”). The amusing appearance of rambutan is remembered immediately. The round red fruits (up to 5 cm in diameter) are really “hairy”, even he is named…

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Guava (Psidium, Guayava, Guayaba). Originally from South America (tentatively from the territory of modern Peru), today, in addition to the tropics of America, it is cultivated in Asia, Israel and…

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Avara (Avarra, Tukum, Awara, Wara, Awarra, Tucum, Tucumã-do-Pará). This palm tree is actively cultivated in the north of the South American continent in countries such as Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, Guiana.…

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Pitahaya (Pitaya, Lun Yang, Dragon Fruit, Dragon fruit, sometimes Dragon Eye). Only when he began to prepare this article did he learn that pitahaya is a cactus. It comes from America, but is currently grown everywhere in regions with a suitable climate, especially a lot of it in Southeast Asia. Continue reading


Noina (perhaps the most common name in Asia is Sugar apple, Annona scaly, Sugar-apple, Sweetsop, Noi-na). It really resembles an apple in shape and size, but it has an original appearance with peculiar “scales”. This lumpy green fruit is very widely cultivated in countries with a tropical climate – from South America to Polynesia. Continue reading


Mame (Mame-sapote, Mamey, Mamey-sapote, Marmalade fruit, Puryria, Pouteria sapota). A native of southern Mexico, it is also grown in the tropical belt of the Americas and Southeast Asia.

The fruits can be spherical or oblong, often very large (up to 20 cm in length and weighing up to 3 kg.), Covered with a thick reddish-brown peel. Continue reading

Mafai (Burmese grapes, Mafai, Baccaurea ramiflora, Baccaurea sapida) grows in most South Asian countries, but most of all in Malaysia and India. It has nothing to do with grapes, except…


Banana is also an exotic berry and belongs to the grassy family. That is, large banana trees with fruits are considered grass, after bamboo - the tallest in the world,…


Carambola or Star Fruit
The birthplace of carambola is Southeast Asia. There, this exotic fruit is eaten just like we eat apples or cucumbers. And to taste, it is something in between an apple,…
