The Candy Tree
The Candy Tree (Hovénia dúlcis, Talks is sweet, known abroad as the Japanese raisin tree or oriental raisin tree, i.e. Japanese raisin tree or Oriental raisin tree). Historically grown in…

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Papaya (Papaya, Melon tree, Bread tree). It comes from Central and South America, and nowadays it is cultivated in almost all tropical countries. Do not confuse it with other “Bread…

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Guava (Psidium, Guayava, Guayaba). Originally from South America (tentatively from the territory of modern Peru), today, in addition to the tropics of America, it is cultivated in Asia, Israel and…

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Pitahaya (Pitaya, Lun Yang, Dragon Fruit, Dragon fruit, sometimes Dragon Eye). Only when he began to prepare this article did he learn that pitahaya is a cactus. It comes from America, but is currently grown everywhere in regions with a suitable climate, especially a lot of it in Southeast Asia. Continue reading

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Purple Mombin
Purple Mombin (Mexican plum, Spondius Purpurea, Spondias purpurea, jocote, Hog Plum, Makok, Amra, Sirigela, Siriguela, Ciriguela, Ciruela). The homeland of mombin is tropical America from Mexico to Brazil and the…


Cherimoya (Annona cherimola, Cream apple, Ice cream tree, Graviola, Tzumux, Anona poshte, Atis, Sasalapa and a whole bunch of possible names ...). Originally from the foothills of the South American…


Rum berry
Rum berry (lat. Myrciaria floribunda, Rumberry, Guavaberry) - often found in nature in Central and South America, the Caribbean islands, is also grown in the USA (Florida and Hawaii) and…
