Noina (perhaps the most common name in Asia is Sugar apple, Annona scaly, Sugar-apple, Sweetsop, Noi-na). It really resembles an apple in shape and size, but it has an original…

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<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Exotic fruits
Traveling abroad, especially in warm countries, a Russian tourist is faced with completely unknown fruits that have never been seen before. I also often do not even believe my eyes,…

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Kumquat (fortunella) has an oblong oval shape and is very similar to a halved mandarin. It tastes like close fruits. It grows in Japan, China, Israel, Brazil, in the hottest…

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Pitahaya (Pitaya, Lun Yang, Dragon Fruit, Dragon fruit, sometimes Dragon Eye). Only when he began to prepare this article did he learn that pitahaya is a cactus. It comes from America, but is currently grown everywhere in regions with a suitable climate, especially a lot of it in Southeast Asia. Continue reading

<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Exotic fruits
Traveling abroad, especially in warm countries, a Russian tourist is faced with completely unknown fruits that have never been seen before. I also often do not even believe my eyes,…


Mango is one of my favorite fruits, and many people around the world consider mango to be the most delicious fruit. On the one hand, of course, it is difficult…


Mango is one of my favorite fruits, and many people around the world consider mango to be the most delicious fruit. On the one hand, of course, it is difficult…
