Black Sapote
Black Sapote (Black Sapote, Diospyros digyna, Chocolate Pudding Fruit, Chocolate Persimmon, Black Persimmon, Chocolate Persimmon, Black Apple, Barbacoa). Neither the Sapotovs (sapodilla, lokuma), nor the Rutovs (White sapote) have anything…

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Araza (Arazza, Arazá, Araçá-boi, Amazonian Pear or Amazonian Pear; in Latin - Eugenia stipitata). At first, this heat-loving tree grew in the forests of the Amazon basin, later the plant…

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Abacashi (Abacaxi) is mainly grown in Brazil. Most readers, looking at a photograph of the fruit, will say that this is just pineapple and it has long been no longer…

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Banana is also an exotic berry and belongs to the grassy family. That is, large banana trees with fruits are considered grass, after bamboo – the tallest in the world, whose trunk can reach 15 meters and leaves – several meters. It grows in the tropics and subtropics: South Asia, Latin America, India, Malaysia, etc. And also in Russia in Sochi.

The berry is rich in vitamins of groups B, E, C. It contains fiber, starch, pectins, proteins, essential oils, from minerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, etc. Pulp is used as a laxative in the treatment of ulcers. The fetus prevents the increase in pressure and the development of strokes, fights against tumors. Continue reading

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Chrysophillum or Star Apple
Star apple fruits are round or oval up to 10 cm in diameter. The peel is thin, smooth from green to purple or brown, depending on the variety. Under the…


Araza (Arazza, Arazá, Araçá-boi, Amazonian Pear or Amazonian Pear; in Latin - Eugenia stipitata). At first, this heat-loving tree grew in the forests of the Amazon basin, later the plant…


Prickly pears
Prickly pears (Native American fig, Indian fig, Indian fig, sabr, prickly pear, tsabr). Cactus! The real one, just not so decorative that it may grow in your home, but a…
