Small bright yellow with beige petals Physalis berry often serves as a decorative decoration of dishes in restaurants. It comes to Russia mainly from Central Asia and the Caucasus, but…

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“Poor Banana,” aka “Prairie Banana,” or Paw-Paw. This is Asimina triloba
Few people know that there is a North American banana Lapa-paw (prairie banana). This banana grows in southeast America. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary banana, only slightly…

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Pepino (Melon Pear, Sweet Cucumber, Solanum muricatum) is a shrub native to South America, where it is mainly grown and also cultivated in New Zealand. Quite large rounded fruits weighing…

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Mango is one of my favorite fruits, and many people around the world consider mango to be the most delicious fruit. On the one hand, of course, it is difficult to call it exotic, because you can buy it in any large supermarket in Russia, but anyone who has tried mango in the places of its growth will say that fruit in the store is absolutely not the same as fresh. Mango originally from India, now it is grown literally around the world, where there are suitable conditions. And in every country mango will have its own flavor notes!

The classic color of ripe mango is yellow, but among 35 massively grown varieties there are other colors, such as purple, green or black. Therefore, when buying mangoes of green color, it is necessary to clarify, maybe this is such a variety and the fruit is already ripe.

In addition to its amazing aroma and rich, easily recognizable taste, mango has very useful properties, for example, it affects the organs of vision very well and strengthens the immune system.

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Abacashi (Abacaxi) is mainly grown in Brazil. Most readers, looking at a photograph of the fruit, will say that this is just pineapple and it has long been no longer…


Cherimoya (Annona cherimola, Cream apple, Ice cream tree, Graviola, Tzumux, Anona poshte, Atis, Sasalapa and a whole bunch of possible names ...). Originally from the foothills of the South American…


Noni (Noni, Morinda citrifolia, Morinda citrus-leafed, Great Moringa, Indian Mulberry, Useful tree, Cheese fruit, Nona, Nono). The homeland of this plant is South Asia, and due to its unpretentiousness in…
