Cherimoya (Annona cherimola, Cream apple, Ice cream tree, Graviola, Tzumux, Anona poshte, Atis, Sasalapa and a whole bunch of possible names ...). Originally from the foothills of the South American…

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Banana is also an exotic berry and belongs to the grassy family. That is, large banana trees with fruits are considered grass, after bamboo - the tallest in the world,…

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Rose apple
Rose apple (Sizigium yamboz, Malabar plum, Chompu, Chmphū̀, Rose apple, Chom-poo). It is actively grown in the region of its origin - in the countries of Southeast Asia, especially a…

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Guava (Psidium, Guayava, Guayaba). Originally from South America (tentatively from the territory of modern Peru), today, in addition to the tropics of America, it is cultivated in Asia, Israel and Africa.

Fully edible fruit can be round, and oblong, and pear-shaped. Diameter up to 15 centimeters. The guava’s taste does not coincide with the expectation of something exotic – completely inexpressive, slightly sweet, while the aroma is pleasant and strong. In the countries of growth of the guava, they often like to use it slightly immature, it seems that this helps to cool the body on a hot day. You can often see how such an immature guava is eaten, dipping in a mixture of salt and pepper, they say it is very tonic.

In addition to the usual, there are also such varieties: red-fruited (“strawberry guava”) and yellow (“lemon guava”). The pulp is red-fruited – juicy, translucent, has a pronounced strawberry flavor. The yellow fruits, inside the same color, have a lemon flavor. Often there is the name guava, which is one of the most common variations in the cultivation of guava.

Araza (Arazza, Arazá, Araçá-boi, Amazonian Pear or Amazonian Pear; in Latin - Eugenia stipitata). At first, this heat-loving tree grew in the forests of the Amazon basin, later the plant…


Mame (Mame-sapote, Mamey, Mamey-sapote, Marmalade fruit, Puryria, Pouteria sapota). A native of southern Mexico, it is also grown in the tropical belt of the Americas and Southeast Asia. The fruits…


Bread tree
Bread tree (Artocarpus altilis, Breadfruit, Pana). The same name is sometimes used for Jackfruit and Papaya, so do not get confused! New Guinea is considered to be the birthplace, from…
