Santol or Cato
Santol grows in the countries of Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines). The fruit of Santola has a rounded shape from 8 to 15 cm in diameter with…

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Araza (Arazza, Arazá, Araçá-boi, Amazonian Pear or Amazonian Pear; in Latin - Eugenia stipitata). At first, this heat-loving tree grew in the forests of the Amazon basin, later the plant…

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Mame (Mame-sapote, Mamey, Mamey-sapote, Marmalade fruit, Puryria, Pouteria sapota). A native of southern Mexico, it is also grown in the tropical belt of the Americas and Southeast Asia. The fruits…

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Banana is also an exotic berry and belongs to the grassy family. That is, large banana trees with fruits are considered grass, after bamboo – the tallest in the world, whose trunk can reach 15 meters and leaves – several meters. It grows in the tropics and subtropics: South Asia, Latin America, India, Malaysia, etc. And also in Russia in Sochi.

The berry is rich in vitamins of groups B, E, C. It contains fiber, starch, pectins, proteins, essential oils, from minerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, etc. Pulp is used as a laxative in the treatment of ulcers. The fetus prevents the increase in pressure and the development of strokes, fights against tumors. Continue reading

<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Bread tree
Bread tree (Artocarpus altilis, Breadfruit, Pana). The same name is sometimes used for Jackfruit and Papaya, so do not get confused! New Guinea is considered to be the birthplace, from…


Rum berry
Rum berry (lat. Myrciaria floribunda, Rumberry, Guavaberry) - often found in nature in Central and South America, the Caribbean islands, is also grown in the USA (Florida and Hawaii) and…


Santol or Cato
Santol grows in the countries of Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines). The fruit of Santola has a rounded shape from 8 to 15 cm in diameter with…
