Rambutan (Rambutan, Ngo, “hairy fruit”). The amusing appearance of rambutan is remembered immediately. The round red fruits (up to 5 cm in diameter) are really “hairy”, even he is named…

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cock in
Avara (Avarra, Tukum, Awara, Wara, Awarra, Tucum, Tucumã-do-Pará). This palm tree is actively cultivated in the north of the South American continent in countries such as Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, Guiana.…

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Bread tree
Bread tree (Artocarpus altilis, Breadfruit, Pana). The same name is sometimes used for Jackfruit and Papaya, so do not get confused! New Guinea is considered to be the birthplace, from…

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Rose apple

Rose apple (Sizigium yamboz, Malabar plum, Chompu, Chmphū̀, Rose apple, Chom-poo). It is actively grown in the region of its origin – in the countries of Southeast Asia, especially a lot in Thailand.

It doesn’t look like an apple in shape at all, but rather looks like a pear or a bell. The color of the fruit can be red (most often), pale pink or light green. The peel is thin, juicy pulp and several small seeds are inside, so you can eat the chompa whole (do not forget to thoroughly wash all the fruits!).

The taste of crisp pulp cannot be called expressive and memorable, which is why the fruit is not very popular among tourists. Distantly, the aroma and taste of the chompu resembles a rose (but, for example, I didn’t catch it at all), but, in my opinion, the Rose apple looks more like an apple. So do not expect extravaganza of tastes from the chompu, but with its help you can perfectly quench your thirst.

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Noni (Noni, Morinda citrifolia, Morinda citrus-leafed, Great Moringa, Indian Mulberry, Useful tree, Cheese fruit, Nona, Nono). The homeland of this plant is South Asia, and due to its unpretentiousness in…


Cherimoya (Annona cherimola, Cream apple, Ice cream tree, Graviola, Tzumux, Anona poshte, Atis, Sasalapa and a whole bunch of possible names ...). Originally from the foothills of the South American…


Kiwi fruit is a berry. It has small fruits of a round or oval shape, covered on the outside with a fleecy thin brown skin. The mass of the fruit…
