Araza (Arazza, Arazá, Araçá-boi, Amazonian Pear or Amazonian Pear; in Latin - Eugenia stipitata). At first, this heat-loving tree grew in the forests of the Amazon basin, later the plant…

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<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Pomelo (Pomelo, Pamela, Pomelo, Pummelo, Pumelo, Som-o, Pompelmus, Sheddock, Citrus maxima, Citrus grandis, Chinese grapefruit, Jeybong, Jeruk, Limo, Lusho, Jambura, Sai Seh, Banten, Zebon, Robeb Tenga) . The homeland of…

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Azimina (Nebraska banana, Mexican banana, Asimina, banana tree, Pawpaw, Pau Pau) is originally from North America, more precisely from the territory of the southern US states. But this amazing, seemingly…

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<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Exotic fruits
Traveling abroad, especially in warm countries, a Russian tourist is faced with completely unknown fruits that have never been seen before. I also often do not even believe my eyes,…


Pluot (Plumkot, Aprium) is a hybrid of plum and apricot, with a predominance of plum characteristics, obtained in California. The shape is similar to plum and apricot, but the skin…


Small bright yellow with beige petals Physalis berry often serves as a decorative decoration of dishes in restaurants. It comes to Russia mainly from Central Asia and the Caucasus, but…
