Mango is one of my favorite fruits, and many people around the world consider mango to be the most delicious fruit. On the one hand, of course, it is difficult…

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<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
The Candy Tree
The Candy Tree (Hovénia dúlcis, Talks is sweet, known abroad as the Japanese raisin tree or oriental raisin tree, i.e. Japanese raisin tree or Oriental raisin tree). Historically grown in…

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Vani (lat. "Mangifera caesia", White mango, Wani, Belunu, Binjai, Yaa-lam, White mango, Bayuno, Mangga wani, sometimes the name Jack, that is, Jack, but not to be confused with Jackfruit!) Is…

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Tamarind Sweet (Sweet Tamarind, Indian Date, Asam, Sampalok, Chintapandu). The birthplace of this legume tree is East Africa, nowadays it is cultivated everywhere in tropical countries.

The fruits are long, up to 20 cm, as bean should be, similar to beans (or peas), on the outside they are light brown, and the flesh (more precisely, pericarp or pericarp) is dark brown. Continue reading


Noni (Noni, Morinda citrifolia, Morinda citrus-leafed, Great Moringa, Indian Mulberry, Useful tree, Cheese fruit, Nona, Nono). The homeland of this plant is South Asia, and due to its unpretentiousness in the care and quality of the soil, it is currently actively grown in most countries with a suitable tropical climate. Continue reading

The Candy Tree

The Candy Tree (Hovénia dúlcis, Talks is sweet, known abroad as the Japanese raisin tree or oriental raisin tree, i.e. Japanese raisin tree or Oriental raisin tree). Historically grown in Japan, East China, Korea and up to 2000 meters in the Himalayas. Thanks to its beautiful spreading crown, it was brought to some countries as an ornamental plant, as a result, for example, in Brazil, it is considered one of the most common “invaders” of subtropical forests. Continue reading

<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Everyone should try these exotic fruits in life! Just getting them is not so easy ...
Just look at how amazing fruits are! Do not compare with oversized pineapple on the counter and hairy coconuts of unknown origin, which supermarkets treat us to. This short review,…


Santol or Cato
Santol grows in the countries of Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines). The fruit of Santola has a rounded shape from 8 to 15 cm in diameter with…


Passion fruit
Passion fruit (Passion fruit, Passfruit, Passion fruit, Passionflower edible, Passiflora edible, Granadilla purpurea) is native to South America, and is currently grown in many countries with a tropical climate. Round…
