Pepino (Melon Pear, Sweet Cucumber, Solanum muricatum) is a shrub native to South America, where it is mainly grown and also cultivated in New Zealand. Quite large rounded fruits weighing…

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cock in
Papaya (Papaya, Melon tree, Bread tree). It comes from Central and South America, and nowadays it is cultivated in almost all tropical countries. Do not confuse it with other “Bread…

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“Poor Banana,” aka “Prairie Banana,” or Paw-Paw. This is Asimina triloba
Few people know that there is a North American banana Lapa-paw (prairie banana). This banana grows in southeast America. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary banana, only slightly…

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Pepino (Melon Pear, Sweet Cucumber, Solanum muricatum) is a shrub native to South America, where it is mainly grown and also cultivated in New Zealand.

Quite large rounded fruits weighing up to 700 g. They can vary significantly in shape and color, yellow shades predominate, sometimes with purple or violet touches. The pulp is very juicy, yellowish in color, the sweet and sour taste resembles a melon, and the aroma is something between a melon, a pumpkin and a cucumber. Continue reading

Passion fruit

Passion fruit (Passion fruit, Passfruit, Passion fruit, Passionflower edible, Passiflora edible, Granadilla purpurea) is native to South America, and is currently grown in many countries with a tropical climate.

Round fruits (up to 8 cm in diameter) can have different colors – yellow, purple, pink, red. Continue reading

<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Salak (Salak, Salakka, Rakum, Snake fruit, Snake fruit, Salacca zalacca). A very popular fruit in Southeast Asia. Teardrop-shaped fruits (up to 4 cm in diameter) are covered with a brown…


Azimina (Nebraska banana, Mexican banana, Asimina, banana tree, Pawpaw, Pau Pau) is originally from North America, more precisely from the territory of the southern US states. But this amazing, seemingly…


Bread tree
Bread tree (Artocarpus altilis, Breadfruit, Pana). The same name is sometimes used for Jackfruit and Papaya, so do not get confused! New Guinea is considered to be the birthplace, from…
