Small bright yellow with beige petals Physalis berry often serves as a decorative decoration of dishes in restaurants. It comes to Russia mainly from Central Asia and the Caucasus, but…

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Tamarind Sweet (Sweet Tamarind, Indian Date, Asam, Sampalok, Chintapandu). The birthplace of this legume tree is East Africa, nowadays it is cultivated everywhere in tropical countries. The fruits are long,…

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The Candy Tree
The Candy Tree (Hovénia dúlcis, Talks is sweet, known abroad as the Japanese raisin tree or oriental raisin tree, i.e. Japanese raisin tree or Oriental raisin tree). Historically grown in…

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Pepino (Melon Pear, Sweet Cucumber, Solanum muricatum) is a shrub native to South America, where it is mainly grown and also cultivated in New Zealand.

Quite large rounded fruits weighing up to 700 g. They can vary significantly in shape and color, yellow shades predominate, sometimes with purple or violet touches. The pulp is very juicy, yellowish in color, the sweet and sour taste resembles a melon, and the aroma is something between a melon, a pumpkin and a cucumber. Continue reading

<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Ambarella (Apple Citra, Otaheite-apple, Tahitian quince, Polynesian plum, Yellow plum, Spondias dulcis, Sweet Mombin - not to be confused with Purple Mombin). The birthplace of this tree is the numerous…


Sapodilla (Moss Tree, Wood Potato, Oil Tree, Ahra, Sapodilla, Prang khaa, La-mut, Naseberry, Chiku) is native to Mexico and is now grown almost everywhere in the tropical countries of America…


Rum berry
Rum berry (lat. Myrciaria floribunda, Rumberry, Guavaberry) - often found in nature in Central and South America, the Caribbean islands, is also grown in the USA (Florida and Hawaii) and…
