Kiwi fruit is a berry. It has small fruits of a round or oval shape, covered on the outside with a fleecy thin brown skin. The mass of the fruit…

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<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Everyone should try these exotic fruits in life! Just getting them is not so easy ...
Just look at how amazing fruits are! Do not compare with oversized pineapple on the counter and hairy coconuts of unknown origin, which supermarkets treat us to. This short review,…

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Rose apple
Rose apple (Sizigium yamboz, Malabar plum, Chompu, Chmphū̀, Rose apple, Chom-poo). It is actively grown in the region of its origin - in the countries of Southeast Asia, especially a…

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Chrysophyllum (Star apple, Star apple, Cainito, Star apple, Milkifruit, Kaimito) DO NOT confuse with Kaimito (or Abiu). Originally from Central America, today it is cultivated in the tropics of South America, India, Southeast Asia, West Africa and Tanzania.

Spherical or oval fruits (up to 10 cm in diameter) are covered with a smooth inedible peel of green or purple-brown, depending on the variety. The flesh can be from white to purple, it is juicy, jelly-like, sweet and very sticky from milky juice. In a fruit to 8 brilliant dark brown inedible seeds. If the fruit is cut across, then the cut pattern will look like a star. Ripe fruits are wrinkled and soft, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks, so this is an excellent present for friends and family from your vacation in the tropics.

It contains a lot of phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin C, amino acids and protein; has a low glucose content.

<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Everyone should try these exotic fruits in life! Just getting them is not so easy ...
Just look at how amazing fruits are! Do not compare with oversized pineapple on the counter and hairy coconuts of unknown origin, which supermarkets treat us to. This short review,…


Pepino (Melon Pear, Sweet Cucumber, Solanum muricatum) is a shrub native to South America, where it is mainly grown and also cultivated in New Zealand. Quite large rounded fruits weighing…


Ambarella (Apple Citra, Otaheite-apple, Tahitian quince, Polynesian plum, Yellow plum, Spondias dulcis, Sweet Mombin - not to be confused with Purple Mombin). The birthplace of this tree is the numerous…
