Watermelon, cucumber and watermelon
Watermelon, cucumber and watermelon - (Rough melotria, Melothria scabra, Mouse watermelon, Mouse melon, Mexican sour gherkins, Sandita, Cucamelon). A very strange subject on our list ... Decide for yourself whether…

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Mango is one of my favorite fruits, and many people around the world consider mango to be the most delicious fruit. On the one hand, of course, it is difficult…

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Abacashi (Abacaxi) is mainly grown in Brazil. Most readers, looking at a photograph of the fruit, will say that this is just pineapple and it has long been no longer…

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Azimina (Nebraska banana, Mexican banana, Asimina, banana tree, Pawpaw, Pau Pau) is originally from North America, more precisely from the territory of the southern US states. But this amazing, seemingly thermophilic plant is able to withstand severe colds up to −30 Celsius! And thanks to such resistance, one out of ten species – “Three-bladed Asimine” – is grown by amateur gardeners in our country.

The fruits are collected in inflorescences up to 8 pieces, they have an oblong oval shape and reach up to 15 cm in length and up to 7 cm in diameter. The thin skin of the fetus, as it ripens, changes color from greenish (in unripe) to yellowish and even dark brown. The pulp is juicy, light sweet and very fragrant; a comparison with custard is often found. Inside, up to 10 large flat bones are hidden. The disadvantage of pawpaw is the poor preservation of the collected fruits, so most often they are eaten freshly picked or various jams are prepared.

Azimina is rich in amino acids and trace elements, sucrose, vitamins A, C. The fruits do an excellent job of normalizing the gastrointestinal tract and strengthen the immune system.

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Vani (lat. "Mangifera caesia", White mango, Wani, Belunu, Binjai, Yaa-lam, White mango, Bayuno, Mangga wani, sometimes the name Jack, that is, Jack, but not to be confused with Jackfruit!) Is…


Goji berries
Among the supporters of a healthy diet, Goji berries, which are grown in Mongolia, China, Tibet, have recently become popular. Wild varieties (common dereza) grow in our latitudes and are…


Everyone should try these exotic fruits in life! Just getting them is not so easy ...
Just look at how amazing fruits are! Do not compare with oversized pineapple on the counter and hairy coconuts of unknown origin, which supermarkets treat us to. This short review,…
