“Poor Banana,” aka “Prairie Banana,” or Paw-Paw. This is Asimina triloba
Few people know that there is a North American banana Lapa-paw (prairie banana). This banana grows in southeast America. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary banana, only slightly…

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Mafai (Burmese grapes, Mafai, Baccaurea ramiflora, Baccaurea sapida) grows in most South Asian countries, but most of all in Malaysia and India. It has nothing to do with grapes, except…

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Araza (Arazza, Arazá, Araçá-boi, Amazonian Pear or Amazonian Pear; in Latin - Eugenia stipitata). At first, this heat-loving tree grew in the forests of the Amazon basin, later the plant…

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Black Sapote

Black Sapote (Black Sapote, Diospyros digyna, Chocolate Pudding Fruit, Chocolate Persimmon, Black Persimmon, Chocolate Persimmon, Black Apple, Barbacoa). Neither the Sapotovs (sapodilla, lokuma), nor the Rutovs (White sapote) have anything to do, despite the name, since it belongs to a completely different family – the Ebony family, and the closest known black sapote to us is persimmon. Region of origin – Central America and the southern regions of Mexico, in addition, it is grown on islands such as Mauritius, Hawaii, the Philippines, the Antilles and in Brazil.

Spherical fruits (up to 12.5 cm in diameter) in a mature state become dirty green outside, and their flesh is black (hence the name). The pulp is jelly-like, glossy, even unpleasant in appearance, but very tasty, tender, sweet and resembles chocolate pudding. It is eaten simply fresh, and is actively used as an ingredient for confectionery and cocktails. The pulp contains up to 10 flat bones, which are easily separated from it.

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Pomelo (Pomelo, Pamela, Pomelo, Pummelo, Pumelo, Som-o, Pompelmus, Sheddock, Citrus maxima, Citrus grandis, Chinese grapefruit, Jeybong, Jeruk, Limo, Lusho, Jambura, Sai Seh, Banten, Zebon, Robeb Tenga) . The homeland of…


Noni (Noni, Morinda citrifolia, Morinda citrus-leafed, Great Moringa, Indian Mulberry, Useful tree, Cheese fruit, Nona, Nono). The homeland of this plant is South Asia, and due to its unpretentiousness in…


“Poor Banana,” aka “Prairie Banana,” or Paw-Paw. This is Asimina triloba
Few people know that there is a North American banana Lapa-paw (prairie banana). This banana grows in southeast America. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary banana, only slightly…
