Pepino (Melon Pear, Sweet Cucumber, Solanum muricatum) is a shrub native to South America, where it is mainly grown and also cultivated in New Zealand. Quite large rounded fruits weighing…

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cock in
Papaya (Papaya, Melon tree, Bread tree). It comes from Central and South America, and nowadays it is cultivated in almost all tropical countries. Do not confuse it with other “Bread…

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Vani (lat. "Mangifera caesia", White mango, Wani, Belunu, Binjai, Yaa-lam, White mango, Bayuno, Mangga wani, sometimes the name Jack, that is, Jack, but not to be confused with Jackfruit!) Is…

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Noina (perhaps the most common name in Asia is Sugar apple, Annona scaly, Sugar-apple, Sweetsop, Noi-na). It really resembles an apple in shape and size, but it has an original appearance with peculiar “scales”. This lumpy green fruit is very widely cultivated in countries with a tropical climate – from South America to Polynesia. Continue reading

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Rose apple
Rose apple (Sizigium yamboz, Malabar plum, Chompu, Chmphū̀, Rose apple, Chom-poo). It is actively grown in the region of its origin - in the countries of Southeast Asia, especially a…


Kumquat (fortunella) has an oblong oval shape and is very similar to a halved mandarin. It tastes like close fruits. It grows in Japan, China, Israel, Brazil, in the hottest…


Pepino (Melon Pear, Sweet Cucumber, Solanum muricatum) is a shrub native to South America, where it is mainly grown and also cultivated in New Zealand. Quite large rounded fruits weighing…
