Coconut loves countries with a hot tropical climate. Coconut water is very similar in composition to human plasma, therefore it is used in medicine. Fresh is extremely useful for people…

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Mame (Mame-sapote, Mamey, Mamey-sapote, Marmalade fruit, Puryria, Pouteria sapota). A native of southern Mexico, it is also grown in the tropical belt of the Americas and Southeast Asia. The fruits…

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Carambola or Star Fruit
The birthplace of carambola is Southeast Asia. There, this exotic fruit is eaten just like we eat apples or cucumbers. And to taste, it is something in between an apple,…

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Kiwi fruit is a berry. It has small fruits of a round or oval shape, covered on the outside with a fleecy thin brown skin. The mass of the fruit can reach up to 80 g, diameter – up to 7 cm. Under the peel is juicy pulp, depending on the variety, it can be from green to yellow. In the very middle of the fruit, the pulp is white, surrounded by many small black seeds. The seeds are edible, taste sour. Kiwi pulp, in general, is sweet with a slight acidity, resembles a mixture of gooseberries, apples, pineapples. Continue reading


Pluot (Plumkot, Aprium) is a hybrid of plum and apricot, with a predominance of plum characteristics, obtained in California.

The shape is similar to plum and apricot, but the skin is still smooth and elastic like that of a plum; the color depends on the variety, it can be from green to burgundy. Continue reading


Noina (perhaps the most common name in Asia is Sugar apple, Annona scaly, Sugar-apple, Sweetsop, Noi-na). It really resembles an apple in shape and size, but it has an original appearance with peculiar “scales”. This lumpy green fruit is very widely cultivated in countries with a tropical climate – from South America to Polynesia. Continue reading

Mafai (Burmese grapes, Mafai, Baccaurea ramiflora, Baccaurea sapida) grows in most South Asian countries, but most of all in Malaysia and India. It has nothing to do with grapes, except…


Mafai (Burmese grapes, Mafai, Baccaurea ramiflora, Baccaurea sapida) grows in most South Asian countries, but most of all in Malaysia and India. It has nothing to do with grapes, except…


Small bright yellow with beige petals Physalis berry often serves as a decorative decoration of dishes in restaurants. It comes to Russia mainly from Central Asia and the Caucasus, but…
