Noina (perhaps the most common name in Asia is Sugar apple, Annona scaly, Sugar-apple, Sweetsop, Noi-na). It really resembles an apple in shape and size, but it has an original appearance with peculiar “scales”. This lumpy green fruit is very widely cultivated in countries with a tropical climate – from South America to Polynesia. Continue reading
Purple Mombin
Purple Mombin (Mexican plum, Spondius Purpurea, Spondias purpurea, jocote, Hog Plum, Makok, Amra, Sirigela, Siriguela, Ciriguela, Ciruela). The homeland of mombin is tropical America from Mexico to Brazil and the Caribbean, it was later naturalized in Nigeria, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Continue reading
Mafai (Burmese grapes, Mafai, Baccaurea ramiflora, Baccaurea sapida) grows in most South Asian countries, but most of all in Malaysia and India.
It has nothing to do with grapes, except for the second name; well, wine is also made from mafai. Round fruits (from 2.5 to 4 cm in diameter) with peels of various colors, depending on the variety, from yellowish-cream, red and to purple. Continue reading