Marula (Marula, Sclerocarya birrea) - except in Africa, in the south and west of the continent, you will not meet this tree. It is almost impossible to buy fruits outside…

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Banana is also an exotic berry and belongs to the grassy family. That is, large banana trees with fruits are considered grass, after bamboo - the tallest in the world,…

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Vani (lat. "Mangifera caesia", White mango, Wani, Belunu, Binjai, Yaa-lam, White mango, Bayuno, Mangga wani, sometimes the name Jack, that is, Jack, but not to be confused with Jackfruit!) Is…

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Monthly Archives: March 2017


Azimina (Nebraska banana, Mexican banana, Asimina, banana tree, Pawpaw, Pau Pau) is originally from North America, more precisely from the territory of the southern US states. But this amazing, seemingly thermophilic plant is able to withstand severe colds up to −30 Celsius! And thanks to such resistance, one out of ten species – “Three-bladed Asimine” – is grown by amateur gardeners in our country. Continue reading


Aguaj (Aguaje, Aguaje, Ita, Buriti, Canangucho) grows in the humid tropics of South America, where it is so incredibly popular that there are fears for the plant population. The popularity is due to the allegedly special properties of the fruit, thanks to which the girls who use it regularly, without any effort, maintain a slim figure, in addition, it is believed that aguage is a strong aphrodisiac. Continue reading

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Noni (Noni, Morinda citrifolia, Morinda citrus-leafed, Great Moringa, Indian Mulberry, Useful tree, Cheese fruit, Nona, Nono). The homeland of this plant is South Asia, and due to its unpretentiousness in…


Kumquat (fortunella) has an oblong oval shape and is very similar to a halved mandarin. It tastes like close fruits. It grows in Japan, China, Israel, Brazil, in the hottest…


Everyone should try these exotic fruits in life! Just getting them is not so easy ...
Just look at how amazing fruits are! Do not compare with oversized pineapple on the counter and hairy coconuts of unknown origin, which supermarkets treat us to. This short review,…
