Prickly pears
Prickly pears (Native American fig, Indian fig, Indian fig, sabr, prickly pear, tsabr). Cactus! The real one, just not so decorative that it may grow in your home, but a…

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Avara (Avarra, Tukum, Awara, Wara, Awarra, Tucum, Tucumã-do-Pará). This palm tree is actively cultivated in the north of the South American continent in countries such as Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, Guiana.…

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Abacashi (Abacaxi) is mainly grown in Brazil. Most readers, looking at a photograph of the fruit, will say that this is just pineapple and it has long been no longer…

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Prickly pears

Prickly pears (Native American fig, Indian fig, Indian fig, sabr, prickly pear, tsabr). Cactus! The real one, just not so decorative that it may grow in your home, but a large tree-like plant. The main place of growth (remember westerns) is America (both continents). Continue reading

<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Sapodilla (Moss Tree, Wood Potato, Oil Tree, Ahra, Sapodilla, Prang khaa, La-mut, Naseberry, Chiku) is native to Mexico and is now grown almost everywhere in the tropical countries of America…


Papaya (Papaya, Melon tree, Bread tree). It comes from Central and South America, and nowadays it is cultivated in almost all tropical countries. Do not confuse it with other “Bread…


Pitahaya (Pitaya, Lun Yang, Dragon Fruit, Dragon fruit, sometimes Dragon Eye). Only when he began to prepare this article did he learn that pitahaya is a cactus. It comes from…
