Mafai (Burmese grapes, Mafai, Baccaurea ramiflora, Baccaurea sapida) grows in most South Asian countries, but most of all in Malaysia and India. It has nothing to do with grapes, except…

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<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Purple Mombin
Purple Mombin (Mexican plum, Spondius Purpurea, Spondias purpurea, jocote, Hog Plum, Makok, Amra, Sirigela, Siriguela, Ciriguela, Ciruela). The homeland of mombin is tropical America from Mexico to Brazil and the…

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Sapodilla (Moss Tree, Wood Potato, Oil Tree, Ahra, Sapodilla, Prang khaa, La-mut, Naseberry, Chiku) is native to Mexico and is now grown almost everywhere in the tropical countries of America…

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ordinary dishes

<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
The Candy Tree
The Candy Tree (Hovénia dúlcis, Talks is sweet, known abroad as the Japanese raisin tree or oriental raisin tree, i.e. Japanese raisin tree or Oriental raisin tree). Historically grown in…


Mafai (Burmese grapes, Mafai, Baccaurea ramiflora, Baccaurea sapida) grows in most South Asian countries, but most of all in Malaysia and India. It has nothing to do with grapes, except…


Everyone should try these exotic fruits in life! Just getting them is not so easy ...
Just look at how amazing fruits are! Do not compare with oversized pineapple on the counter and hairy coconuts of unknown origin, which supermarkets treat us to. This short review,…
