Kumquat (fortunella) has an oblong oval shape and is very similar to a halved mandarin. It tastes like close fruits. It grows in Japan, China, Israel, Brazil, in the hottest…

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Everyone should try these exotic fruits in life! Just getting them is not so easy ...
Just look at how amazing fruits are! Do not compare with oversized pineapple on the counter and hairy coconuts of unknown origin, which supermarkets treat us to. This short review,…

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Sapodilla (Moss Tree, Wood Potato, Oil Tree, Ahra, Sapodilla, Prang khaa, La-mut, Naseberry, Chiku) is native to Mexico and is now grown almost everywhere in the tropical countries of America…

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Monthly Archives: July 2018

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The Candy Tree
The Candy Tree (Hovénia dúlcis, Talks is sweet, known abroad as the Japanese raisin tree or oriental raisin tree, i.e. Japanese raisin tree or Oriental raisin tree). Historically grown in…


Papaya (Papaya, Melon tree, Bread tree). It comes from Central and South America, and nowadays it is cultivated in almost all tropical countries. Do not confuse it with other “Bread…


Exotic fruits
Traveling abroad, especially in warm countries, a Russian tourist is faced with completely unknown fruits that have never been seen before. I also often do not even believe my eyes,…
